Note from Chairman:
These last 18 months have been very challenging at Forward House. However, we’ve also seen amazing changes and positive results in changed lives. Our residents, a majority of whom have Indigenous backgrounds, have experienced all kinds of abuse, addiction, mental health issues, homelessness and more. While we are a Christian ministry, we accept people into our program regardless of their individual beliefs. We intend to expand our program to help more men, and hopefully launch a similar program for women in a separate facility. Both are at a critical level of need in our community, in addressing the growing homeless needs and challenges.
Forward House has always relied on donations from individuals, churches and community organizations for financial support to maintain and operate our program. We believe that caring individuals helping people who can’t help themselves is a reason for our success.
Our most difficult challenge over these eighteen months has been a significantly reduced level of giving from our donors and supporters. We are now in an extremely difficult financial position. We are behind on payments to many of our suppliers, behind on payments for utilities, with some threatening to shut off services, and have even missed meeting a recent payroll for our small staff. We are in desperate need of immediate financial assistance and support to continue this badly needed program/ministry. If forced to close our doors, our residents would likely end up back on the streets and many would not survive. We need your urgent help now. Help us help those who need this program.
Our target to get through this immediate financial crisis is $150,000. We are a registered charity with CRA and able to issue tax receipts for all gifts received. There are several ways you can contribute, including through Canada Helps at www.canadahelps.org (enter Forward House Ministries Inc.), or by cheque or money order made out to Forward House Ministries, and mail to 407 Chalmers Ave., Winnipeg MB R2L 0G3.
With questions, contact Tammy Hansen our Executive Director at [email protected] . Please share our story with your network of friends and colleagues.